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Peter Charlton
British Heart Foundation Research Fellow in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, at the University of Cambridge | UK

David Rubinsztein
Professor of Molecular Neurogenetics and a UK Dementia Research Institute Group Leader at the University of Cambridge | UK

Dr. Claire Skentelbery
Director General at EuropaBio - The European Association for Bioindustries | Belgium

Haroldas Razvadauskas
Doctoral student and Lecturer in Internal Medicine at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) | Lithuania

Prof. Tomas Lapinskas
Director for Public Health, Research and Education at the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos | Lithuania

Vittoria Pavoncello
Investment Associate - Technology Scouting and Investment Specialist at ZCube, Zambon Research Venture | Italy

Alice Limonciel
CSO at Biocrates | Austria

Dr. Amine Zorgani
CEO and co-founder of SwipeBiome™ | France