Haroldas Razvadauskas
Doctoral student and Lecturer in Internal Medicine at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS) | Lithuania
Haroldas Razvadauskas is a doctoral student and lecturer in internal medicine at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. He has been working in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) since 2020. He mainly carries out projects on the application of AI to develop the interpretation of auscultatory sounds, paying special attention to the detection of pulmonary auscultatory pathologies and the development of student training tools. He works at the Department of Internal Medicine and combines his knowledge and experience, involving medical students in deepening their knowledge through project activities. His hobby is to improve public awareness of heart and lung health, through projects such as “Hear Your Heart” (“Išgirsk savo širdį“ in Lithuanian). Haroldas is interested in scientific research and technological opportunities for implementing machine learning in diagnostics. He has successfully completed 3 multidisciplinary projects, is a co-author of more than 5 scientific publications, and has presented his research at 5 international conferences. Since 2023, he has been reviewing scientific publications for the journal “Biomedical Signal Processing and Control”.